List of products by brand SRC
src - "to be there" - to be here. Meaning of the initials src of src wines, which is based in Randazzo, in Sicily, in the Calderara district. It was born in 2012 from an idea of Rori, Cinzia and Sandra, who have always been passionate about wine and in love with the territory of the north side of Etna, with the project of creating a wine that respects and reflects the territory of that fertile island called Sicily. The work in the vineyard is limited to the essential, the land is worked at most twice a year, allowing wild herbs to grow freely and most of the work is done by hand. Treatments (sulfur, rock flour, propolis) are carried out only if strictly necessary and the same philosophy is also followed in the cellar, to be as non-interventionist as possible on the wines. The lands extend for 12 hectares and see cultivated, as per the ancient peasant tradition, in addition to the vineyards of Nerello Mascalese, Grenache, Carricante, Coda di Volpe, Iinsolia and Minnella, also groves of Ole and fruit trees. All set in the woods and surrounded by old dry stone walls.