List of products by brand Horus

The agricultural company and the winery Horus are the synthesis of an entrepreneurial experience started in 1974 by the Giudice family. In the Iblean territory between Acate and Vittoria, characterized by a warm and Mediterranean climate, mitigated by the sea breeze, one hundred hectares of land extend, of which thirty are cultivated with vines and the remaining with almond and olive trees. The right balance between temperature, altitude and distance from the sea contribute to the uniqueness of this environmental context that has encouraged us to enhance and exalt the qualities of the autochthonous and traditional varieties: Nero D'Avola, Frappato, Grillo, Insolia and Moscato. The ethics of production, respect for the environment and the landscape, through a sustainable and lasting viticulture, characterize the identity of the winery Horus. Winery Horus is a young and dynamic reality that has chosen to enhance the autochthonous and older varieties of the territory using an organic cultivation method. Our certified organic wines come from vineyards whose lands are cultivated according to the system of organic agriculture: a model of sustainable development based on the principles of safeguarding and enhancing resources, respecting the balances of the environment and consumer health. We plan the vinification from the vineyard, eliminating the use of chemical substances and systemic pesticides that tend to stimulate the quantitative production of the plant at the expense of the qualitative one and impoverish the precious soil - plant - climate relationship that constitutes the necessary balance for the development of a strong vine, which produces healthy, balanced, rich grapes and makes the wines identifiable and unique.